Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Biometrics in Mongolia? Where's my right to privacy?

So, I had to give my biometrics today. When I questioned why the state would need my finger prints, a practice that was introduced end of 19th century in Europe to track criminal recidivists, I was right away snapped at by a stout looking woman in her mid forties "Because, you are supposed to". I tried to elaborate on the fact that such practice is reserved often in developed countries for criminal offenders and that good citizens should not measure their relation with the state in any way through submission of their body. I told her "My body belongs to me and that no state should have any right to put me under surveillance. You do understand that such act is inconsistent with basic human right e.g., presumption of innocence? God forbid, something happens then innocent citizens will be stripped of their exclusive right to properly defend themselves because the state can potentially incriminate them based on the existence of inarguable evidence such as biometric data." "By the way", I continued, "Are you aware of the fact that primitive systems of data collection enabled Nazi Germans to track millions of Jews? You know, that KGB did the same to any dissidents in the former Soviet Union? You know that Rousseau, that famous French thinker who started the idea of a state of union between the state and citizenry, he mentioned that the only bond between state and its citizens should be based on sovereign relation. Once such bond will be based on biometrics what if our state decides to turn into authoritarian regime (I mean you can't deny the impossibility of it) with a right to post surveillance cameras on each street and with an access to every person's data?"
The lady in her mid forties listened breezily, smiled dismissively and asked me to press my fingers tight to the monitor. She made few clicks on her computer and thus my biometric record was initiated.
I walked out from the local "Horoo" building and was troubled by the ease my fingerprints were submitted to a database. When did this legislation was passed? Did any human rights NGOs express their concern about it? Was there any critique from the public?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Зохиолын Дууны Цаг

Ганцхан чи минь минийх шүү
Үг Чойнхор

Дэнжийн цэцгийг хувааж л
Дэрлэсэн гурван сар минь
Сэтгэлийн гүнээс тодрох
Сэрүүн зүүд л байвуу даа
Наддаа ирэх өдөр чинь
Хором хормоор ойртоод байна
Нандин зүрхний үг чинь
Санаан дотор тодроод байна

Амрагийн гэгээн тэнгэртээ гялалзах одод нь олон чиг
Алагхан зүрхийг догдлуулдаг ганцхан чи минь минийх шүү
Амрагийн гэгээн тэнгэртээ гялалзах одод нь олон чиг
Алагхан зүрхийг догдлуулдаг ганцхан чи минь минийх шүү

Хүлээхийн гуниг нь хэцүүхэн ч
Уулзахын баяр нь зүйрлэшгүй
Хэлсэндээ үнэнч явсан бол
Тэрэн шиг жаргал ч байхгүй дээ
Сайны ерөөл тавиад л явсан юм даа тэр минь
Сар жилийн уртад чиг саараачгүй сэтгэлээ

Амрагийн гэгээн тэнгэртээ гялалзах одод нь олон чиг
Алагхан зүрхийг догдлуулдаг ганцхан чи минь минийх шүү
Амрагийн гэгээн тэнгэртээ гялалзах одод нь олон чиг
Алагхан зүрхийг догдлуулдаг ганцхан чи минь минийх шүү

Сайхан чинийхээ өмнө цайгаа дээжлээд барья даа
Санан санан хүлээснээ тунирхан байж л хэлнэ дээ
Гадаа ирээд буухаар чинь гарах уу байх уу догдлоод байна
Гэрэл татсан царайнд чинь гэр минь дүүрээд ирнэ дээ

Амрагийн гэгээн тэнгэртээ гялалзах одод нь олон чиг
Алагхан зүрхийг догдлуулдаг ганцхан чи минь минийх шүү
Амрагийн гэгээн тэнгэртээ гялалзах одод нь олон чиг
Алагхан зүрхийг догдлуулдаг ганцхан чи минь минийх шүү

Monday, November 8, 2010

Арван Зүүдний Өр

I sat reading Ayurzana's "Арван Зүүдний Өр" which can be loosely translated as Bound by 10 Dreams. Every time I pick up and start reading this author's book I feel a slight aura of melancholy settling over me. This light feeling of sadness does not necessarily penetrate me to the core instead it hangs above me like a dust from the past I often try to shake off after the reading session. The melancholy might have to do much with the retrospective experience that the author have had during Communism and post-communist period. His words, his personal thoughts perhaps may have resonated with my childhood and adolescent years and created the catharsis. However,I was determined to finish his book this time and get over it but similar to my previous experience with his novel, I ended up twisting and turning in my bed. Just like the main character ends up owing his dreams in exchange for a rare manuscript I got lured into the depth of A.G.'s novel again.