Tuesday, May 10, 2011

From Clear Waters of Tamir

Цэлмэг өдрийн баруунаа хэлбийсэн нар, гэнэт оволзсон их дурлалын эхний очоор дүүрсэн сэтгэл хоёрт чимэглэсэн ертөнц ер бус гуа үзэсгэлэнтэй ажээ.


bamby said...

It is said that Ms.Tumendemberel spent three straight days on Tamir just before the recording. I am sure visions similar to your photo were gleaming in her mind when she sang the song. The feelings are very Mongolian, the song brings.

Minerva said...

I'm sure they are the same