Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Books to read for Mongoloveds

I am trying to work on my article and my never ending research stumbled upon Eric Voegelin's Published Essays. Written by German-Jewish elite professor of Law in Germany who fled his country to escape Nazis, aptly examines the origin of fascism in Europe along with detailed examinations of Mongol diplomatic correspondence during Chinggis Khaan's invasion with Pope, hitherto preserved unknown in the archives of Vatican. His studies of Mongol political structure reveals previously unknown to Western civilization, sophisticated system of state order and most importantly discovery of divinity in its legas structure and divine origin of statehood in building the Mongol empire. Very compelling and I must thank my professor from my grad years, Peter Paik, who pointed me towards this stimulating text.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

enquiry to my own thoughts

I am writing this message and it is almost midnight. I started reading a book that I ordered not long ago, supposedly the latest and good source for anyone who is interested in theories on human rights. Halfway reading the introductory point I was perturbed by overwhelming feeling of one's impotence. I looked at the book I was reading and the unfamiliar words that kept occuring in the writing put inadvertently my English in doubt. I started wondering if I was ever suitable to make a decision to go for studies in humanities where there are more utilitarian options available for my humble intellect. Having Overcome with the envy and hubris from certain realization of impotence compared to the non-native American author, I started fantasizing about his possible elite upbringing in English speaking country (note that he's Chinese), perhaps in Singapore or Hong Kong.

Now, after half hour later I sit here and I think about absurdity of my action. Does it point to the competitive nature of scholar in training or in general positive ability of human mind to question and overcome existing dogmas? Anyways, since such content does not accurately befits the intention of this group I shall abandon it right here. Comments are as always welcome.